The Oyster Blog

The official Anderson's Neck blog with progress updates on our mission to Save the Bay One Oyster at a Time. We will notify you when we post new articles if you Join Our Mailing List.

We are incredibly humbled for Anderson’s Neck to be named as one of Coastal Living Magazine’s 20 favorite oysters!

“Oysters: From tiny Olympias to melt-in-your mouth Mid-Atlantic varieties, here are our favorite oysters from every coast.” Melt in your mouth Mid-Atlantic…yep, that would be us! To be recognized amongst such an incredible group of oysters that we love and enjoy eating totally blows our mind! Thank You Coastal Living Magazine!!!

We have to give a huge shout out to every Chef and restaurant owner who gave us a shot. To every volunteer, family member, or friend who helped us work oyster cages or shuck oysters at an event when we were just getting started-we love you. And to every oyster farmer who went out on the water on a cold as hell winter day while its snowing-we tip our hats. Oyster farming is hard as hell, dirty, kick your ass work. And its the little moments like this that make it all worthwhile. So proud, it has been a total team effort! Here is a larger version of the photograph is you want to look to see who made the list of 20!